Monday, October 21, 2013

What's with the title of this blog??

Hey there everyone!

Technology is all around us.  Our smartphones are at our fingertips pretty much every moment of every day.  But what does technology look like to those of us that aren't very technical?  It can look like stress.   I can't begin to tell you how many meals I've sat through while friends are sputtering their thoughts on the "pqr connecting to the hd3lmnop" and I sit there smiling and nodding not having a clue what is being said.  Now that is in a social setting, it's even more unsettling at work.  Sitting in a meeting wondering how to ask just WHAT everyone is so worked up about and why the "thing-a-majig" seems to be on the fritz.  This blog is dedicated to making technology a little less intimidating.  We are all smart, we can learn, but good gracious - please just speak English while you're teaching us.  Heck, I'll even settle for German - at least I can run that through Google Translator - HEY, how's that for using technology?  The technical jargon just throws me for a loop!

I'm a geek at my core.  I love video games (though I don't get to play all that often anymore), comic books (though I don't get to read all that often anymore....I'm detecting a theme) and all things nerdy.  I'll be posting about new technology that won't overwhelm people, things that we all might find useful and interesting and articles I come across and things that might help those blessed with the gift of understanding giggawatts to those of us that don't and vice versa!  In addition I'll share things that might help you in your tech (or other) career and you'll also see posts about cool new game and other various geeky stuff, because hey, why not?

Here are a couple resources to get you started:

Geek Speak For the Rest of Us

This is a great article I came across by Roy Tennant on Talking Tech: Explaining Technical Topics to a Non-Technical Audience.  

Over and out!

Here is a funny poster - Which are you?

 and a picture of Petey - cause he's one of my favs!

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